Full suite of marketing tools for property-land sales company
For this client we have provided both online and print based marketing support materials. We provided a website, plus an intranet/extranet designed to support customers and clients already on board with Hawksmoor. We have also produced sales literature, stationery, site and building signage.
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Website, intranet, extranet
Hawksmoor needed a customer facing website, but the type of content that is needed to support land sales of the scale that Hawksmoor are involved with, is too great and too complex to display through a normal website. For this reason they provide an extranet for logged in customers to access all of the complex documentation that is available on these sites. We were involved in both website and extranet design and specifcation.
Part of our work with Hawksmoor has been to provide branded, suited literature, sales support materials and stationery to provide a cohesive, professional image.